Due to the impending weather, Immediate Care locations will be closed Sunday, February 16th. Virtual Appointments are available.
2-1-1 NH/2-1-1 MA:
- If a family needs help, call 2-1-1 (Food, Shelter, Clothing, Supplies, Legal Aide, Crisis Help)
- Confidential assistance is available in 150 languages.
City Welfare Office:
18 Mulberry St. Nashua NH | Phone: 603-589-4555
*Request Emergency Assistance Program can help with short term emergency coverage for food, clothing, rent money, prescription medications, or cash voucher.
- Other towns:
- Amherst: 2 Main St. | Phone: 603-673-6041
- Merrimack: 6 Baboosic Lake Rd. | Phone: 603-423-8535
- Concord: 129 Pleasant St. | Phone: 603-883-7726
- Manchester: 1528 Elm St. | Phone: 603-624-6484
- Milford: 1 Union Square | Phone: 603-673-3652
- Bedford: 24N Amherst Rd. | Phone: 603-792-1315
- Brookline: 1 Main St. Po Box 360 | Phone: 603-673-8855 x300
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)/Food Stamps:
- To apply go to nheasy.nh.gov or call 603-271-9700 or 1-800-852-3345 x9700 (through this option you can apply for many other resources such as cash assistance and Medicaid insurance as well.) For help with an application, please call 877-347-7627.
- For families that reside in Massachusetts, go to DTAConnect.com or call 877-382-2363, Press 7.
United Way Programs | Phone: 603-882-4011
- Click here for Produce pantries, Little Free Pantries and seasonal offerings in Nashua.
Western Hillsborough County Family Services (Southern NH Services):
Phone: 603-924-9601
- This program assists with gaps in services and needs for low-income families connecting them to services including food, shelter, and other help.
Meals on Wheels:
For New Hampshire residents: call 603-424-9967
For Massachusetts residents:
- MOC (Making Opportunity Count) call 978-345-8501 ext. 2.
- Townsend Senior Center (Council on Aging) call 978- 597-1710
- Lunches: Hot meals are served everyday Monday through Friday (except for holidays)
- Pepperell Senior Center (Albert Harris Center) call 978-433-0326
Women Infant and Children’s (WIC) Program:
134 Allds St | Phone: 603-889-3440 Fax: 603-228-1898 or 1-800-WIC-4321
- This program is for families with children birth through 5 years of age. This program consists of Nutritionists and Lactation Specialists as well as online education and parenting tips.
- For Massachusetts residents, contact Ayer, MA at 978-345-6272 or Leominster, MA
at 978-534-9117.
Local School Meals Program:
- Your Child’s school provides Breakfast and Lunch based on your family’s income.
*Parents submit applications each year to be included in this program. Please look on your child’s school Website or contact the school for more information. Massachusetts schools provide free breakfast and lunch for all students in school.
End 68 Hours of Hunger Program:
Provides nutritious food for children to take home from school on Friday afternoon. Parents can request to be part of this program through their school. The student picks up a brown, unmarked bag at the end of the day on Friday afternoon to bring home filled with nutritious nonperishable foods.
Summer School Lunch Distribution:
Each weekday during the month of July, volunteers set up tables outside five Nashua elementary schools to distribute take-away breakfasts and lunches to neighborhood children in need of food. For more information on your local summer food, contact
603-668-8010 or visit www.snhs.org.
Local NH Food Pantries:
For a complete list, please visit nhfoodbank.org
Location |
Address |
Phone |
Nashua Soup Kitchen
Food pantry M, W, F: 12-3
Breakfast M-F 8:30-9:30, Dinner M-Sa 4-6 Su. 12-1:30 |
2 Quincy St
Nashua |
603-889-7770 |
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
Distributes goods and services Monday and Wednesday 10-2 Tuesdays and Thursdays 2-3 call for an appointment. |
3 Crown St
Nashua |
603-882-6372 |
Tolles Street Food Pantry
Open Mondays and Thursdays 12-2 |
52 Whitney St
Nashua |
603-882-4984 |
Salvation Army |
1 Montgomery Ave
Nashua |
603-889-5151 |
Families in Transition-Food Pantry & Donation Center |
176 Lake Ave, Manchester |
603-641-9441 |
Merrimack Community Food Pantry |
646 Daniel Webster Hwy, Merrimack |
603-440-0741 |
St Patrick Food Pantry, St Patrick’s Parish |
12 Main St, Pelham |
603-635-7592 |
Upper Room Food Pantry |
36 Tsienneto Rd, Derry |
603-437-8477 |
Milford Share
Pantry open Mon-Fri May apply online at sharenh.org |
Elm St |
603-673-9898 |
Greater Nashua Downtown Gardens
and Farmers Market (SNAP Market Match) |
Nashua |
603-883-5700 |
Local MA Food Pantries:
For a complete list, please visit agingservicesma.org
Aging Services on North Central MA | Phone: 978-537-7411
Location |
Address |
Phone |
Merrimack Valley Food Bank |
735 Broadway St, Lowell |
978-454-7272 |
Catholic Charities North County |
196 Mechanic St, Leominster |
978-840-0696 |
Townsend Ecumenical Outreach |
82 Bayberry Hill Rd, Townsend |
978-877-6002 |
United Neighbors of Fitchburg |
18 Fairmount St, Fitchburg |
978-342-2069 |
Loaves and Fishes |
234 Barnum Rd, Devins |
978-772-4627 |
Pach |
66 Hollis Street, Pepperell |
978-925-9770 |